the story of me

Goodbye, Del Mar

Sadly, we had to leave Del Mar and go home to Portland. I am going to miss my family and the beach. We took one more walk along the beach before leaving. I can’t wait to go back next year!

Beach Critters

I got to see a fair amount of wildlife while in Del Mar. There were a few bunnies that hopped around the park, which was cool to see. However, my favorite beach critters were the sand crabs! Aunt Jenna showed me how to find them in the sand and hold them in my hand! I tried to be very careful not to hurt them, and I only tried to eat.. Read More

Fun with Mom and Dad

I spent a lot of time in Del Mar with Abuelo, Aunt Jenna, and Unvle Zak. However, I did get plenty of Mom and Dad time!! Mom and I took plenty of selfies, as usual. Dad had a great time playing in the sand with me. I sure am lucky to have such wonderful parents!

Morning Walks in the Wagon

At Wave Crest, they have wagons that are just perfect for a kid like me! Each morning, we would go for a walk along the beach. I enjoyed these walks so much. See my bucket? That’s where I keep all my seashells! Sometimes the ocean tried to take my wagon away! And sometimes, I’d get out of the wagon and play in the sand a bit. And sometimes, Dad and.. Read More

Aunt Kathie and Uncle Rob

Aunt Kathie and Uncle Rob came to visit us at Wave Crest. We played outside and they watched me school Dad at soccer. I also got Aunt Kathie to read me a lot of books! It was really great seeing them again!

Fun at the Playground

There is a great playground right next to the beach in Del Mar. I had a great time playing there, although to be honest, I’d rather be making sand soup!

Fun at the Park

There is a park right next to Wave Crest. It is a great place for playing bocce (which I learned about), kicking a ball, and especially flying kites! It is also a nice place to just sit and relax!

Beach Bum

I really love playing on the beach! The sand is so much fun and there is so much of it! I really enjoyed making sand soup! I would sit on a small bucket and put handfuls of sand in a big bucket with water. I did this for a long time whenever we went to play on the beach! Mom and Abuelo liked to chill with me while I did.. Read More


Abuelo and I had a lot of good, quality time together at the beach. Apparently he really enjoys sitting on the patio and watching the ocean. It turns out that this is a very pleasurable thing to do! We also did a lot of walking. I’m not sure why I have no pants on in this picture. I love spending time with Abuelo!

Aunt Jenna and Uncle Zak

Aunt Jenna and Uncle Zak came to Wave Crest for the week, so I got to spend plenty of time with them! I really liked it when Aunt Jenna read books to me. I probably had her read about a hundred books! Uncle Zak was the best at egging me on to do things I was not supposed to, and burying me in the sand! We did a lot of.. Read More